And my favorite piece of furniture is probably my bed. For those of you who know me well, I'd live in my bed if I could, honestly! Here's the problem, for the last 5 weeks I haven't been able to really enjoy either. I love being a mom but the getting up every 2 hours is really hard for me. It's gotten so bad that once I'm up the first time I don't even go back to bed. I put Addi in her swing, and I make my bed on the couch using the "Boppy" as a pillow.
Today I actually got out of the house and went to the mall to buy a dress for my friends wedding. Apparently I didn't look at myself very good in the mirror before I left, because when I was trying on my dress I noticed that my eyes were so blood shot and puffy that I looked like I'd been "hitting the crack pipe" and I only had mascara on one eye. I was a beauty!!!
Ahhh, (sigh ) the joys of motherhood....
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I lOVE to Sleep!!!!
Posted by Sarah Humble at 5:38 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Welcome Baby Maleah!
My sister Ramonah just had her baby on Monday and today as I was looking at some pictures of Maleah I came across this one and it reminded me of something from my childhood. See if you see the resemblance....
Do you remember the Monchichi's? To me the resemblance is uncanny!!
Good job Mones!! She's a beautiful baby!
Posted by Sarah Humble at 1:23 PM 3 comments
Ah, I have a question....
Addison is growing so fast and she is already so polite. I wonder if that's normal?! Addi thinks she needs to raise her hand when she needs something... whether it be a diaper change, some food, or she just wants our attention. Everytime she rasises her hand, I ask her if she has a question and I tell her that I appreciate her being so polite.
Does YOUR kid do that? Yeah, didn't think so!!!!
Baby Genius! What can I say, have you met her mom?
This one says, "Pick me! Pick me!" Think she knows the answer?

Posted by Sarah Humble at 1:09 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Thank Heaven for Daddy!!!
So being a mom is a lot harder than I ever imagined it would be. I love it and I love my girl, but at the end of the day I am tired. Last night Mike came home to me in tears. Addi had been crying for a couple of hours on and off and I needed a break. Once we had dinner Mike offered to watch her while I did whatever I wanted to. (can you believe it? Neither could I) I decided.... to take a shower. It was the best shower I've had in a very long time. I was able to SHAVE MY LEGS!!!! Seriously, pure shower bliss.
Mike must be magic because Addi slept on him for 4 straight hours. I see the early makings of a daddy's girl.
He does look a little "smug" cause he could get her to sleep but I figured at that point, whatever works.
Posted by Sarah Humble at 7:17 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Vistors from many places....
Addison had LOTS of vistors this weekend. Uncle Blake, Aunt Hannah, Gavin and Laney all came up from Vegas to visit. And Grandpa Jones and Grandma Jackie came from Seattle. It was a busy weekend and it made for a little bit of a fussy Addi, but we sure had a nice time.

Grandpa and Grandma Jones came up from St. George on Sunday for the afternoon to visit too, and Addi decided she was going to stay awake so she didn't miss anything.

And although we love our visitors we were glad to get some rest once they left.

Posted by Sarah Humble at 6:40 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
A good time to start....
I told Hannah that once Addison was born I'd start a blog. I don't plan on being nearly as good at it as she is but with the next 2 1/2 months off of work I should be able to give it a little attention.
Heeeeerrrrrrreeeee's Addi!!!!
Addison Suzanne Humble was born on March 17th, 2008 at 4:22pm. She weighed in at 6lbs 14oz and was 20.5 inches long.

Here she is showing a little sexy shoulder in moms bed.
She is an amazing baby and Mike and I couldn't have asked for better.
Posted by Sarah Humble at 3:38 PM 5 comments