Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thank Heaven for Daddy!!!

So being a mom is a lot harder than I ever imagined it would be. I love it and I love my girl, but at the end of the day I am tired. Last night Mike came home to me in tears. Addi had been crying for a couple of hours on and off and I needed a break. Once we had dinner Mike offered to watch her while I did whatever I wanted to. (can you believe it? Neither could I) I decided.... to take a shower. It was the best shower I've had in a very long time. I was able to SHAVE MY LEGS!!!! Seriously, pure shower bliss.

Mike must be magic because Addi slept on him for 4 straight hours. I see the early makings of a daddy's girl.

He does look a little "smug" cause he could get her to sleep but I figured at that point, whatever works.


Carrie said...

She's "grooming" him and lulling him into a false sense of security so when she's 5 and wants a pony, or 15 and needs to be busted out of jail he'll be overwhelmed by her charm and do whatever he needs to do to make his little sweetheart happy.

Genetic secrets passed on from her mother I'm sure.

Unguren said...

He does look a little smug...should someone smack him. Just kidding. He gets mad props for helping her sleep for 4 hours. And shower bliss!!

The Sennett Family said...

I grew up living next door to the Humbles. Linda was like second mom to me and Melissa and I were very good friends. I wanted to tell you and Mike congrats on the new bundle of joy. Addison is absolutely beautiful. Tell Mike that Candice said hello. Also let him know I had a little girl in January. Maybe the girls could have a play date sometime... :)