I'm just not good at the blogging thing. I have a hundred other things to do and time seems to go so fast. I'll do my best to catch up.... It's gonna be a little long, so hang in there.
I'm SO OVER our house!!!! I don't think it's ever going to get done, and I've decided I don't care. (well, I do... but I'm going to pretend I don't) So, our countertops got installed and they looked TERRIBLE!!! They were solid surface, and with solid surface there aren't supposed to be seams, and they were everywhere. Mike walked around the kitchen and put peices of tape everywhere he could see a seam and he ended up with close to 15 peices. I was furious, so I told him to call the people, tell them we wanted our money back, and to come get the crap they called countertops. So, now we're back to cabinets without tops. SIGH........ So, I'm over it and I'll just blog about Addi. :)
Addi is growing so fast. She's 6 months old this month and the time has gone so quickly. We just went to the Dr. last Friday and she weighed in at 13lbs. Her body isn't super big, but I think her head makes up for most of the weight. Addi is going through her "people anxiety" stage where she has no interest in people she doesn't know. I took her to work on Thursday for a meeting thinking that the girls in my department could take turns playing mommy, but Addi screamed anytime anyone picked her up.... let alone look at her. It's fun to know she loves her mom, but even better that she knows who I am.
Addi is a huge fan of her Daddy. She lights up when she sees him! On Saturday and Sunday mornings Addi and her dad have "Addi-Daddy" time. They leave the house around 730-800am and are gone for a couple hours. This is great time for me. I get to shower in private, sleep in if I want, or even stare at the wall without having anyone needing me. It's GLORIOUS!!!! Addi will sit quietly as long as she is by her dad. The other day I had been vacuuming and my vacuum cleaner decided to burn up.... actually I just broke the belt.... but I needed Mike to fix it for me. Addi and Daddy were still having their time, so he put her in her Bumbo and they fixed the vacuum cleaner. She was content as content can be.

Because Addi is almost 6 months old we decided to start to introduce food. We attempted to start with the Rice Cereal. As you can tell from the pictures below.... it didn't go so well.